Dr. Fain is a third-generation black Huntingtonian. He is the recipient of the Carter G. Woodson Fellowship from Marshall University and received his M.A. and Ph.D. in History from The Ohio State University. His teaching career includes positions at Marshall, Niagara University, and his current position as professor at the College of Southern Maryland as a faculty member and member of the Male Student of Color Mentee Program. He has authored several articles in peer-reviewed journals, including “Buffalo Soldier, Deserter, Criminal: The Remarkably Complicated Life of Charles Ringo,” in the Ohio Valley Journal, which is his current book project. His first book, Black Huntington: An Appalachian Story, was published in May 2019 by the University of Illinois Press. Fain has also been a contributing historian to: “It’s Time to Talk about West Virginia’s Slaves,” by Nicholas Brumfield, Expatalachians, January 29, 2019. Reviewer, “The African Blood Brotherhood in the West Virginia Coalfields,” West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies, April 2018. Reviewer, “Reading ‘The Storer Record:’ Education, Race, and John Brown in the Storer College Newspaper,” West Virginia History: A Journal of Regional Studies, January 2017.