The Donor Advised Fund

The Donar Advised Fund (DAF)

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) works like a charitable savings account, allowing donors to give cash, securities, or other assets to a private fund, receive immediate tax deductions, and then recommend donations over time. Gifts from a Donor Advised Fund are simple, flexible, and can provide significant tax advantages while continuing an individual or family tradition of philanthropy.

The International Storytelling Center accepts grants from Donor Advised Funds. You can designate your grant to the area of greatest need, or in support of any of ISC’s programs or activities. ISC accepts DAF grants for Friends of the Festival and Friends of Storytelling Live!, provided you decline benefits and purchase any tickets separately.

If you are a DAF client with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon, you can make a grant with the DAF Direct Window below. Just select your Financial Services Provider and type “International Storytelling Center” into the Designation box.

The International Storytelling Center’s Tax ID Number is 62-1014756

I'm here to help!

If you need more information about using a DAF to make a grant contact me:

Sandy Reaves

Director of Finance


Or you can email me at