Seal of Excellence
Designed to recognize storytelling experiences of high quality across a broad spectrum of organizations, attractions, and even communities, the International Storytelling Center Seal of Excellence is our spin on a four-star review or a stamp of approval. It’s our way of letting you know the people, places, and institutions that we think are doing a great job of incorporating quality storytelling into the important work that they do.

Dollywood DreamMore Resort & Spa
ISC’s partnership with Dollywood’s DreamMore Resort & Spa, which began prior to the resort’s official opening in 2015, is based on the organizations’ shared values, including their family-first philosophies and mutual commitment to cultural preservation, regional development, and promoting positive change.

Ballad Health
Ballad Health’s newest hospital is not just a place for high quality care to treat illness, but is also a community center that fosters and encourages wellness. From storytelling-related elements embedded into the design, to community storytelling events and health literacy workshops, to specially story trained staff, Ballad is leading the charge of applied storytelling in healthcare for their patients and surrounding community.

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The seal was created as a way to recognize excellence in different organizations and communities that are using storytelling to enhance their own core mission, whatever that may be. Interested in discussing a Seal of Excellence with us? Get in touch below.